Terms and conditions
At Studio 56 Photography Ltd we endeavour to provide excellent service and the highest quality portraits. However if you are not satisfied with any product we will always be happy to rectify any problems. Your statutory rights are not affected.
Vouchers are valid for 90 days from date of purchase, unless otherwise stated.
Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Vouchers are not redeemable for cash or any other products other than those stated.
Vouchers may not be used to purchase images from a previous session.
One voucher per person per household per year
Vouchers Sold by Third Party
Any vouchers bought through third party e.g. Wowcher, Groupon, Living Social etc. Limited to one per person per household and cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.
All third party vouchers are for New Clients Only and cannot be used by existing customers.
Appointments/ Cancellation
All appointments are booked with an advance payment of your session fee which is non-refundable.
48 hours` notice required cancelling or rescheduling an appointment, failure in doing so will result in the studio reserving its right to honour your photography session.
Experiences open too
The missy makeover experience is open to 5-15 years old.
The powder room experience is open to 16 years plus.
All under 18`s must be accompanied by a parent/ legal guardian.
(ID may be required for any services at Studio 56 Photography Ltd)
Changes to Orders
Due to the individual nature of your portraits, Studio 56 Photography Ltd accepts no cancellation of portrait orders. However as a gesture of good will, orders can be amended within 48 hours of the order being placed.
All products remain the property of Studio 56 Photography Ltd up to and until the products have been paid for in full and signed for by the customer.
Studio 56 Photography Ltd accepts no liability for products once they have left our premises.
All deposits made to Studio 56 Photography Ltd for products, vouchers, services or photography sessions are non- refundable.
Delivery times
All products will take approximately 4-6 weeks to arrive to the studio for collection from the date of the order being placed. These delivery times may vary during seasonal peaks.
All products are to be collected from Studio 56 Photography Ltd once ready, please note delivery may be available at a surcharge.
Studio 56 Photography Ltd retains the copyright to all images taken at your photography session. If you would like to purchase additional images please contact the Studio.
Any customers or third party found reproducing, copying, scanning or electronically transferring images will be in contravene of this copyright.
Studio 56 Photography Ltd will take legal action against any customer found to be in breach of this copyright.
Canvas Promotions
Cannot be used inconjunction with any other offers.
Please note that this offer excludes any third party deals ie: Groupon & Wowcher.
Canvas size will vary subject to the chosen package purchased.
Future Promotions
Data privacy policy
Your data may be used by Studio 56 Photography Ltd to advise you from time to time of special promotions, new products and services. It will also be used for analysis and research purposes, we may contact you by telephone, post, e-mail or sms text.
Contact us
Should you have any questions or queries please call us and one of the team will be happy to help.
c 2008 Studio 56 Photography Ltd
All rights reserved.